5 Signs You Are a Dog Person

Khudeja Arif Hussain Hakimji
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

Are you a person in love with dogs? Or are cats more of your thing? Maybe you are one of those rare breeds who prefers both?

A 2018 survey revealed that there are 470 million pet dogs and 370 million pet cats in the world. Statistically, dogs are more popular, there is more to owning dogs than meets the eye. Research shows that personality traits impact which pet you prefer.

So what are you waiting for? Answer these questions to find out if you are a dog person, or if cats are your ‘purr-fect’ match.

Do You Love Being Around People?

If you answered yes to this question, then you are a social person who enjoys the company of others. A dog person at heart, you are an amiable individual and can make friends easily. While you don’t mind being alone sometimes, you prefer someone to be there with you when you are sad, and also when you are happy. You are an agreeable person who is also known for being a helpful individual.

On the flip side, cat people are more introverted and prefer solitude.

Are You Highly Energetic?

Dogs tend to bound about from one spot to the next. The same goes for dog owners. After all, if you wanted to sit still and relax at all times, you most likely would have taken in a cat. Dog people like doing all that they can to make the most of the day. They love the outdoors and prefer physical exercise as compared to staying indoors.

If you are a doer rather than a thinker, you most definitely are a dog person.

Are You Conscientious?

If you are a conscientious person — responsible, consistent, and hardworking, you prefer dogs as compared to cats. This is not surprising because dogs are faithful and loyal, whereas cats are … not exactly caring. Cats enjoy their me-time and love to laze around, while dogs dutifully guard their owners and get agitated when something seems off.

If you agree that you are a conscientious individual, there is no doubt that you either have a dog, or you would prefer to have one.

Are You a Team Player?

Dog people like working as a team. They love being around people, so working as a part of a team is something that they naturally prefer. If you are a team player and enjoy the synergy created in a squad, then, no doubts about it, you are a dog person.

Are you Helpful?

There are those who are always ready to help and willing to support others. If you are someone who frequently receives calls for help from family, friends, and neighbors, you are a dog person.

The Final Verdict

Dog and cat people have personality traits that border on being polar opposites. If you are a dog person, you are likely to be social, helpful, friendly, responsible, and highly energetic. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t like cats at all. Cats are after all, graceful, charming, and adorable in their way. Moreover, you might even enjoy the company of both dogs and cats.

Answering yes to any or all of these questions means that you are likely to prefer dogs, but nothing is stopping you from appreciating cats either.

All that is important as a pet owner is that, no matter what your personality type, your pet just needs your love and care to survive and to be your best friend.

